Hero Stats
- Primary Attribute: Universal
- Strength: 2 (+2)
- Agility: 2 (+2)
- Intelligence: 100 (+0)
- Base Health: 100
- Base Mana: 100
- Movement Speed: 400
- Base Damage: 10 - 10
- Attack Rate: 1
- Physical Armor: 2
- Magic Resistance: 20
Description: Every time psycho gets hit, her attack damage increases by (0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1)% and attack speed by 0.05%. Every time psycho kills an enemy, her outgoing damage increases by 0.01%. Psycho has no limit on attack speed and movement speed.
- Type: Passive
Description: Psycho shows her essence and starts to attack closest enemies(can’t perform any other actions). During Madness she can’t evade, but has 20% lifesteal, 20% reduced damage received and her attack speed is increased by (50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500).
- Type: active
- Cooldown: 10s
- Manacost: 5%/s
- Duration: Until no mana