Hero Stats
- Primary Attribute: Strength
- Strength: 35 (+2)
- Agility: 5 (+0.6)
- Intelligence: 5 (+0.1)
- Base Health: 250
- Base Mana: 50
- Movement Speed: 300
- Base Damage: 0 - 0
- Attack Rate: 3.0
- Physical Armor: 5
- Magic Resistance: 25
Description: Tank receives extra HP per Strength and Armor per Agility
- Type: Innate Passive
- HP per Strength: [0.5 -> 10]
- Armor per Agility: [0.05 -> 0.16]
Description: Stand in defensive stance, blocking % of incoming damage, but lowering your attack speed
- Type: Active
- Target: Self
- Mana Cost: 50
- Cooldown: 30 seconds
- Duration: 10 seconds
- Bonus Attack Speed: -35%
- Incoming Damage: [-40% -> -90%]
Last Chance
Description: When your health drops to 35% you heal up to 100% and take less damage
- Type: Passive
- Cooldown: [75 -> 25] seconds
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Incoming Damage: -99%
Shield Bash
Description: Stun enemy with shield, dealing x your armor as Damage and taunting him for 5sec
- Type: Active
- Target: Enemy
- Mana Cost: 100
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Cast Range: 150
- Damage Type: Physical
- Armor Damage: [x50 -> x500]
- Stun Duration: 2 seconds
- Taunt Duration: 5 seconds
Armored Attack
Description: Now tank deals extra damage from armor
- Type: Passive
- Target: Enemy
- Armor Damage: [x25 -> x500]
Armored Soul
Description: Armored soul provides armor bonus and prevents part of incoming damage
- Type: Passive
- Target: Self
- Armor Bonus: 500 + [10% -> 200%]
- Prevent Damage: [2% -> 40%]